Rabu, 18 April 2018

Business English 2

Motivation Letter

April 17, 2018

The Graduate Scholarship Committee
University Of Exeter
In place

Let me introduce myself. My name is Wahyuni Tri Utami, the 4rd year student in Gunadarma University majoring information system. I am the third of five sibling. During the six years of basic education in 8 Elementary School, the three years of secondary education in YAPIDH Junior High School, and eventually became an alumna of excellent school 11 Senior High School. Since high school I have an interest in the field of computers. So, I always improve my skills in the field of computers until finally chose the department of Information Systems at Gunadarma University. With various considerations I chose University Gunadarma, one of them because at the University is famous for majors related to computers.
Currently I am attending an apprenticeship program at the Ministry of Agriculture. The activity I do when apprentice is to create an expert system application that can be used by the community. The location of intership is located in Bogor precisely in BBSDLP office. The specified time for the intership is around 3-4 months.
The development of Information and Communication Technology in the future has the opportunity to grow very rapidly. Seeing good opportunities, I have a desire to be a programmer, but it is not easy to be a programmer. As long as I studied undergraduate (S1) at Gunadarma University majoring in Information Systems, I studied many programming languages. One of the programs that I managed to make is location based service application about the sights.
Ater completing the Bachelor, I have desire to future my education to master’s degree (S2) of the Department of Computer Science and Mathematics (Hons) Msci at University of Exeter. University of Exeter is one of the most popular university in the UK located in the city of Exeter. My expectations upon graduation education master's degree, I had a big chance in fixing the world economy currently and is working to become a software engineer.
I hope to be accepted at the University Of Exeter with a major in Computer Science and Mathematics science so that the Msci that I can be useful to the nation and my country.
Thankyou for your attention.


Wahyuni Tri Utami

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Minggu, 18 Maret 2018

Business English 2

Subject – Verb Agreement Analysis : The Intelligent Glasses In China

1.1       Background
Business English aims to produce professionals who can adapt to the development of the business world in the era of technology and information. The importance of studying business English in order to obtain competence in the field of business excellence, as well as the competence of adequate business skills.
The development of information technology that we know today has become the basic necessity of every human being. Information technology has become the key to the progress and success of a nation. With a high level of success in the field of information technology, we have the opportunity to compete with other major countries.
The use of advanced systems is part of China's efforts to build a digital surveillance system capable of using a variety of biometric data, both from photographs and fingerprints, to track the movement of the population as a whole. Implementation of information technology in China can help the police to carry out their duties, because the Chinese police use smart glasses to find the perpetrators of crime. The way in which glasses work is very intelligent, the officer can immediately match the face of someone who might commit a crime.
The glasses test was carried out by the police at the entrance to the Zhengzhou station. At a glance the glasses look like ordinary sunglasses. But the glass part can provide important information to the police who is using it. Because of these glasses, police in China arrested the perpetrators of crime. Despite the advantages, the glasses are criticized because of the incorrect application to the target and the privacy of people, so the technology is misused. As we can see, the glasses have a fairly high price, but compared to its function there is nothing wrong if it is developed and used correctly.
I fully agree with the application of smart glasses, these glasses can give you advantages and benefits wich is good, because it can help the police in carrying out their duties. So that the perpetrators of crime are expected to be reduced and supervision is also increasing. With the reduction of perpetrators of crime, the country becomes safer and calm. Imagine that, if this technology is also present in Indonesia, such as the big city of Jakarta, the perpetrators of crime will be more easily arrested and provide the community with comfort.

1.2       Theory
The subject and verb must agree in number: both must be singular, or both must be plural. Problems occur in the present tense because one must add an -s or -es at the end of the verb when the subjects or the entity performing the action is a singular third person: he, she, it, or words for which these pronouns could substitute.

Notice the difference between singular and plural forms in the following examples:
The student sings. (He or she sings)
Your children sing. (They sing)
The bird does migrate. (It does)
Those birds do migrate. (They do)

In order to find out if your subject and verb agree, you need to be able to identify the subject of your sentence. Here are some helpful hints that will help you to decipher where your subject is and where it is not.

Where is my subject?

-          Most likely, your verb will agree with the first noun to the left of the verb :
The Supreme Court judge decides the appropriate penalty.
Subject : judge
Verb : decides

The committee members were satisfied with the resolution.
Subject : members
Verb : were

-          Occasionally, a sentence has the subject after the verb instead of before it. This strategy is often used for poetic effect.
Over the ripples glides a small canoe.
Subject : a small canoe
Verb : glides

There was a well-known writer at the meeting.
Subject : a well-known writer
Verb : was

-          You will not find the subject in a modifying phrase (MP), a phrase that starts with a preposition, a gerund, or a relative pronoun and that modifies the meaning of the noun or subject under discussion.
The group of students is going on a field trip.
Subject : the group
MP : of students
Verb : is

The survey covering seven colleges reveals a growth in enrollment.
Subject : the survey
MP : covering seven colleges
Verb : reveals

The speaker whom you saw at the lecture is one of the state senators from Minnesota.
Subject : the speaker
MP : whom you saw at the lecture
Verb : is

-          If subjects are joined by and, they are considered plural.
The quarterback and the coach are having a conference.
Subject : the quarterback and the coach
Verb : are having

-          If subjects are joined by or or nor, the verb should agree with the closer subject.
Either the actors or the director is at fault.
Subjects : actors, director
Verb : is

Either the director or the actors are at fault.
Subjects : director, actors
Verb : are

-          The relative pronouns (who, whom, which, and that) are either singular or plural, depending on the words they refer to.
The sales manager is a good researcher who spends a great amount of time surfing the Web for information.
Subject : the sales manager
Verbs : is, spends

Sales managers are good researchers who spend a great amount of time surfing the Web for information.
Subject : sales managers
Verbs : are, spend

-          Indefinite pronouns (someone, somebody, each, either one, everyone, or anyone) are considered singular and need singular verbs although they convey plural meaning.
Anyone who wants to pursue higher education has to pass entrance exams.
Subject : anyone
Verbs : wants, has

Everyone on the committee is welcome to express his/her ideas.
Subject : everyone
Verb : is

-          A few nouns can be either plural or singular, depending on whether they mean a group or separate individuals. These words are rarely used as plurals in modern writing.
The jury is sequestered.
Subject : jury
Verb : is

The jury are having an argument.
Subject : jury
Verb : are having

-          A few subjects look plural but are really singular or vice versa.
The news of the discovery is spreading.
Subject : news
Verb : is

The mass media have publicized the facts.
Subject : mass media
Verb : have publicized

The data amaze everyone.
Subject : data
Verb : amaze

1.3       Analysis
The following is an analysis of the opinions refer to subject-verb agreement are :

Business English aims to produce professionals who can adapt to the development of the business world in the era of technology and information.
Subject : Business English
Verb : aims

as well as the competence of adequate business skills.
Subject : as
Verb : well as

The development of information technology that we know today has become the basic necessity of every human being.
Subject : The development
MP : of impormation technology
Verb : has

Information technology has become the key to the progress and success of a nation.
Subject : Information technology
Verb : has

we have the opportunity to compete with other major countries.
Subject : we
Verb : have

The use of advanced systems is part of China's efforts to build a digital surveillance system capable of using a variety of biometric data
Subject : The use of advanced system
Verb : is

because the Chinese police use smart glasses to find the perpetrators of crime
Subject : the Chinese police
Verb : use

The glasses test was carried out by the police at the entrance to the Zhengzhou station.
Subject : The glasses test
Verb : was

As we can see, the glasses have a fairly high price, but compared to its function there is nothing wrong if it is developed and used correctly.
Subject : the glasses
Verb : have

I fully agree with the application of smart glasses
Subject : I
Verb : agree

these glasses can give you advantages and benefits wich is good
Subject : glasses
Verb : give

1.4       Conclusion
Based on the above background, it can be concluded that information technology is currently developing well. An example of this is that the smart glasses used by the Chinese police get a positive response and can be sampled by other countries to cope with the high level of crime in the country. The analysis used in the opinion is subject-verb agreement. Subject-verb agreement is a match between the subject with the verb in a sentence, ie singular or plural.

Source :

Business English 2

Motivation Letter April 17, 2018 The Graduate Scholarship Committee University Of Exeter In place Let me introduce myself....